Terms of Use – Privacy Policy
This website is an online catalogue site displaying products through the internet (hereinafter referred to as the “Adonis Jewellery“) operating legally in Greece under the following tax data:
These Terms of Use set, in a clear and comprehensible manner, the terms governing and regulating the relations of the Company with each visitor and/or customer of the Adonis Jewellery Site in accordance with Law 2251/1994 on the “Protection of Consumers” and Law 2472/1997 on the “Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data”, as currently in force.
These Terms of Use, conditions and regulations on the purchase of goods governing the Adonis Jewellery Site apply exclusively to it and do not govern, in any way whatsoever, the operation of any other companies or shops affiliated therewith.
Every browsing entry to the Adonis Jewellery Site makes you a visitor and/or customer thereof. Access to and use of the Adonis Jewellery Site, as well as the services and products made available through it are subject to these Terms of Use. In order to use the services provided, your prior consent to all the Terms of Use of the Adonis Jewellery Site, as in force at each time, is required; therefore, prior to proceeding with browsing the Adonis Jewellery Site, please read carefully and understand these terms in order to be sure that you accept same, since any use and/or transaction you may enter into with the Company via the Adonis Jewellery Site implies the full and unconditional acceptance of these terms on your side.
The Company reserves the right to amend or renew the Terms of Use. If you use the Adonis Jewellery Site after a notice of amendment of the Terms of Use has taken place, it means that you agree to the new Terms of Use. For this reason, it is recommended that you check the contents thereof whenever you use this site in order to be informed of any eventual amendments to the Terms of Use. The use of the Adonis Jewellery Site, after you have been informed of the applicable terms of use at each time, implies acceptance thereof.
Access to Adonis Jewellery Site is permitted throughout its operation. The Company reserves the right to withdraw or discontinue the provision of services at any time without prior notice. The Company is not responsible in case of any failure to access all or part of the services for any reason whatsoever.
The Company makes every effort in order to ensure that the contents of the Adonis Jewellery Site contain complete, accurate, clear, valid, informative, up-to-date, truthful and non-misleading information. In any case, however, the Company bears no liability or warranty whatsoever as regards the safety and contents of the Adonis Jewellery Site. Users of the Adonis Jewellery Site accept the possibility that the Company may be unable to control all of its contents and services. In addition, the Company does not warrant that the use of information, data or material included in the contents of the Adonis Jewellery Site by users will not violate any third parties’ rights.
Τhe use of the Adonis Jewellery Site is on your sole responsibility and its contents do not constitute nor can, in any way, be interpreted as counseling or direct and indirect incitement to proceed to any action or act. The evaluation of the contents lies upon any user who assumes responsibility for the use of any part thereof.
Rolex Section
Statement: While navigating on the Rolex section of our website, you may interact with an embedded website from www.rolex.com. In such case, Terms of Use,Privacy Notice and Cookies Policy of www.rolex.com are solely applicable.
The Company ensures that the Adonis Jewellery Site is in compliance with the provisions of Law 2472/1997 on the “Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data” and Law 3471/2006 on the “Protection of Personal Data and Privacy in the Electronic Communications”. In any case, the Company asserts that any collection, processing and/or storage of your personal data is carried out according to the law and only upon your express specific consent and solely and exclusively for the purposes and to the extent necessary for the operation of the Adonis Jewellery Site.
The Company asserts that it will not use your personal data for any use not specifically authorized by you, nor will send or disclose your data to any third parties (natural or legal entities) not affiliated with the Company, without your express and specific consent to this effect, except in cases where it is mandatory by law.
In any case, a necessary requirement for initiating and processing contact with our Company is the disclosure by you of certain personal data, such as your full name, contact details (i.e. email, telephone) and maybe address. This information will be used for communication reasons only between the Company and the visitor, and there is no intent whatsoever of releasing this information to third parties or non-affiliates with the Company. The sole reason for this collection is to ensure that the potential customer will receive the best possible service,
In addition, visitors / customers may submit any question / request legitimate right by contacting the Data Protection Officer, Mr. Sergios Zinzalias, at +30 210 32 23 312 (Monday, Wednesday : 10:00 – 17:00, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 10: 00-20: 00), email: info@adonisjewellery.gr
Rolex Section
Statement: While navigating on the Rolex section of our website, you may interact with an embedded website from www.rolex.com. In such case, Terms of Use,Privacy Notice and Cookies Policy of www.rolex.com are solely applicable.
For safely surfing the Adonis Jewellery Site, the Company takes all appropriate steps, by adopting modern high quality safety standards in line with market trends, and uses SSL cryptographic protocol 128-bit (Secure Sockets Layer – SSL), which are put into operation for the whole browsing experience.
The Adonis Jewellery Site has the possibility to use cookies in order to provide visitors/customers with information and better services. Cookies are small alphanumeric files that are sent and stored on the computer of each visitor/customer, by saving settings and choices you have already made to the Adonis Jewellery Site so that they pop up automatically during your next visits to the Adonis Jewellery Site and facilitate the Company to better understand how you use the Adonis Jewellery Site. It should be noted that cookies do not damage the visitor’s/customer’s computer or the files stored on them. However, it should be clarified that through your browser settings you can at any time delete previously stored cookies, in order to prevent the installation of new cookies, or request to be asked each time a cookie is to be installed on your computer (for more information, please contact your browser’s page).
At the Adonis Jewellery Site, it is possible to find links that lead to other websites managed by third parties or owned by third parties (natural or legal entities) not linked to the Company or the Adonis Jewellery Site. The use of these links is subject exclusively to their own terms of use, for which you should be informed. The Company and the Adonis Jewellery Site have no liability whatsoever as regards the contents of these linked websites and Adonis Jewellery Site their use by visitors/customers. The indication of such links does not imply a statement by the Company as far as the reliability, security and contents of these links are concerned, nor for the services and products provided through them, and the connection to these links is carried out on the sole responsibility of the visitors/customers. For this reason, for any issue that may arise during your surfing on these linked sites or in connection with your transactions with them, please contact directly the administrators thereof, which are exclusively liable for these websites.
Rolex Section
Statement: While navigating on the Rolex section of our website, you may interact with an embedded website from www.rolex.com. In such case, Terms of Use, Privacy Notice and Cookies Policy of www.rolex.com are solely applicable.
All names, images and trademarks used by the Company are protected or used upon permission of the owner.
Intellectual property is obtained without any wording and without the need for a clause prohibiting any infringements thereof. The Adonis Jewellery Site and its contents (including all trademarks, distinctive features, patents, brand names, texts, images, graphics, drawings, photographs, programs, informative material of any kind, data, software) constitute intellectual and industrial property of the Company and are subject to protection by the relevant provisions of the Greek, Community and international law. Third parties are not permitted to use: the names of the models, collections, products, services, the company name and all emblems belonging to the Company.
The contents of the Adonis Jewellery Site are not and should in no way be construed as granting an express or tacit permit/license or right to use any Trademark appearing on it without the written permission of the Company or of third parties which may own the Trademarks appearing on it. Any trademarks, logos, distinctive features appearing on the Adonis Jewellery Site and depictions of persons or sites or things that form part of its contents are owned by the Company or third parties. Their use is strictly prohibited without the prior written approval of the Company unless otherwise provided in the applicable terms of use.
Any third party’s products, services, brand names, trademarks or distinctive features appearing on the Katramopoulos Site are the intellectual and industrial property of third parties, which are also responsible for them.
The Company makes any effort in order to ensure that the information appearing on the Adonis Jewellery Site is accurate, complete and updated on a regular basis. By using this website, the visitor accepts and is bound by the terms and conditions applicable on the date of its use.
The Company does not guarantee the completeness of the information contained in the Adonis Jewellery Site, nor does it guarantee that the use of this website will be without interruptions or errors or that, in the event of errors, they will be immediately rectified. Also, the Company is not liable for any technical problems that may occur to visitors and/or customers upon their effort to access this website, and during their access, which are related to the operation or compatibility of their own infrastructure with this website and does not guarantee protection against electronic viruses or other harmful electronic data, via the use of its website.
These terms and conditions, as well as any amendments thereto, are governed and construed in accordance with the Greek law.
If any provision is declared to be null or void, it shall automatically cease to be in force, without the validity of the remaining terms being in any way affected.
For any dispute arising out of the use of the Adonis Jewellery Site, there shall have jurisdiction ratione materiae the competent courts of Athens.